
Write a program which checks if arbitrary segments \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) can be used to build a triangle. The program then should find what kind of a triangle it is (equilateral, right-angled, isosceles). Variables \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) should be declared as global and their values should be read in an appropriate function.


Add to the program a function which finds the longest side of the triangle. The length should be returned as the function return value. Call the function in main function and print the result.


Write a program calculating value of the factorial of n. Use the for loop and do not use a function. Find the maximum value of \(n\) for which the result can be stored using int type without truncation.


Modify the program from previous point in such a way that the main function contains only calls to three functions: ReadN(), Calculate() and PrintN(). Variable n can be declared as a global one.


Modify the program in such a way that variable \(n\) is declared as a local variable inside the main function.


Modify program in order to use while loop instead of for loop.